

How can I request free tile samples?
As a registered member, you can order free tile samples directly from our product pages.
Simply select the tile you are interested in, click the 'Add Samples to Cart' button, and then go to the cart page to finalize your order.
Once you place your order, our support team will contact you to obtain your shipping address and confirm the details before dispatching your samples.
Is there a weight limit for free tile samples?
Yes, you can request samples up to a total weight of 1kg for free. If your sample request exceeds 1kg, please contact our support team with your detailed information. We will review your request and confirm if additional samples can be provided, along with any potential shipping costs.
Why am I not receiving emails from this website?
If you're not receiving expected emails, please check your spam or junk folder to ensure they haven't been misdirected. Adding our email address to your contacts or safe sender list can also help. If you continue to experience issues, please contact our support team to ensure that your email address is correct in our system and that there are no filters blocking our communications.
How can I download BIM data for tiles?
BIM data is available for free to all our registered members. To download, navigate to the tile product page of your choice and click on the 'Download BIM Data' link. Ensure you are logged into your account to access this feature. BIM data is compatible with both Revit and SketchUp.
How do I use the BIM data downloaded from your site?
The BIM data provided can be imported into your Revit or SketchUp software. Due to the variety of software versions and individual project needs, we recommend consulting your software's help resources or user guides for detailed instructions on importing and using BIM files. This ensures that you get the most accurate and relevant information tailored to your specific software setup and project requirements.
Why am I not receiving emails from this website?
If you're not receiving expected emails, first ensure that your email address has been entered correctly in your profile settings. Please check your spam or junk folder to make sure the emails haven't been misdirected. Adding our email address to your contacts or safe sender list can also prevent our emails from being filtered out. If you continue to experience issues, please contact our support team to ensure that there are no filters blocking our communications and that your email settings are correct.


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*Red asterisks indicate required fields.

*Up to 5 images can be attached.
(Supported formats: jpg,jpeg,png,gif)
